Muusika kirjutamine on minu jaoks alati olnud eriline teraapiavorm, kus kõik see mis parajasti elus toimub, transformeerub loominguks. Mida rohkem ma tunnen, seda aktiivsem on looming. Selleks, et raskematel perioodidel mitte langeda masendusse, pööran need emotsioonid enda kasuks, et luua. Ja luues olen ma alati õnnelik. Tihti tohutut kurbust tundes, sünnib hoopiski midagi hästi helget ja vastupidi - ilmselt  ei olegi sellel mingit reeglit. Sageli on lugudel ka adressaat, kuid hiljem muusikat esitades, ei omagi see enam nii suurt tähtsust. Üks mis kindel, et kui keegi või miski mind väga puudutab, siis  hiljem see ka viisil või teisel laulu sisse rändab. See ei ole teps mitte ähvardus, vaid lubadus;)


Aitäh kõikidele teile, kes olete mu ümber, et lasete mul luua ja olla õnnelik.



 Writing music has always been like a special form of therapy for me where everything that goes around me in life transforms into creation. The more I feel the more I create.

What helps me through hardest of periods in my life is taking these emotions and integrating them into music. And that moment is when I am the happiest.

Often while feeling deep sadness something light and bright is born and also vice versa - I guess there really aren’t any rules in life for that. In many occasions the songs are written for someone but later while performing them it loses it’ s importance and becomes something bigger. However, the moment something or someone touches me then one way or another it will find a place in my music. And that is not a threat at all but a promise:)


I would like to thank all of you who are in my life for inspiring me to create and be happy.


Ikka teie/Always yours
